Monday, March 30, 2020


March 30, 2020

Wow! What a day -

I would just like to encourage you by the fact that this will all become much easier in the coming days.  This week is all about review and getting used to the idea of schooling from home in a remote setting.

  Some items off the top of my head:

1.  I am committed to avoiding websites that some people have difficulty logging in to.  I am only going to use Scholastic, Khan Academy, NewsELA, Prodigy, iReady from now on.

2.  PLEASE READ all instructions, go by the schedule, look in the Classwork tab of my Google Classroom.  It's all there including PE.  Also read other people's comments - that might help you understand what you are missing sometimes.

3.  Avoid unnecessary comments if possible, especially of the silly variety.

4.  You can ALWAYS share something on a doc.  Don't worry about points or grades or where to submit something.

5.  Try not to become frustrated if you don't understand something immediately.  Life doesn't work like that.  Give yourself some time to solve the problem.

I will do another brief Zoom meeting at 9am tomorrow to check in.  I will mute everyone at first so there's not too much feedback.

Onward!  I am always here for you.  Parents please ask me if you need anything - I try to respond quickly.

Thank you for your patience

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