Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 2

March 31, 2020

Today was LOADS better, and I have high hopes that we can all have a strong learning experience moving forward.  I hope you are all settling into a little bit of a routine, so that when we start actual lessons next week they will be that much more effective.  If we see working with our children as an opportunity instead of an obstacle,  I guarantee that a life-long love of learning will be instilled in them that is much more powerful than a by-the-numbers rote education.  Statistics show that children who  learn and read during off times (such as the summer) score much higher and do better in school than their peers who don't.  This is a fantastic time to bond with our kids, quell their anxieties, and move forward ourselves.

Alright, sermon over...

I'm doing another 9am Zoom meeting tomorrow just to check in, and then off we go.

Next week is new material.  Glendale Unified is waiting to hear from the Los Angeles County Office of Education on how we are to grade going forward.  I will keep you up to date on any new developments as they occur.  We are all in this together, so don't worry.

Don't forget to follow Mark Keppel VAPA on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  And as always, I am here to talk or help over even the smallest things.  We're doing great as a team.

Monday, March 30, 2020


March 30, 2020

Wow! What a day -

I would just like to encourage you by the fact that this will all become much easier in the coming days.  This week is all about review and getting used to the idea of schooling from home in a remote setting.

  Some items off the top of my head:

1.  I am committed to avoiding websites that some people have difficulty logging in to.  I am only going to use Scholastic, Khan Academy, NewsELA, Prodigy, iReady from now on.

2.  PLEASE READ all instructions, go by the schedule, look in the Classwork tab of my Google Classroom.  It's all there including PE.  Also read other people's comments - that might help you understand what you are missing sometimes.

3.  Avoid unnecessary comments if possible, especially of the silly variety.

4.  You can ALWAYS share something on a doc.  Don't worry about points or grades or where to submit something.

5.  Try not to become frustrated if you don't understand something immediately.  Life doesn't work like that.  Give yourself some time to solve the problem.

I will do another brief Zoom meeting at 9am tomorrow to check in.  I will mute everyone at first so there's not too much feedback.

Onward!  I am always here for you.  Parents please ask me if you need anything - I try to respond quickly.

Thank you for your patience

Friday, March 27, 2020

looking forward to Monday

March 27, 2020

Our extra week of break is now officially ending and I am looking forward to working with you all next week.  As you may remember, next week is for enrichment and review, meaning we are starting to slowly ramp up to the restart of our lessons the week of April 6.

At 51 years old, I'm not the most tech person out there so please be gentle and patient if we run into errors or problems.  Next week is a soft start so that we can work through those things together. Please feel free to communicate with me at any time.  I'm committed to providing the highest level of education possible under these difficult circumstances.

Here's what I need you to do prior to Monday:

1. Please read and review the blog post I did yesterday on digital citizenship if you have not.

2. Log in to your school account and make sure it works properly on your device.

3. Make sure you can get into clever.gusd.net once you've signed in to your Google account.

4. Sign into the Google Classrooms of the teachers you visit each day.  Here are the codes:

    Hewitt:   afatf6u

    Pimenta:   zqx6yqc

    Cannon:   pwt7m3i

5.  Sign up for a free Brainpop account at www.brainpop.com

6.  Start reading! (although I'm positive you all are...) 30 minutes per day minimum including weekends, holidays, your grandmother's birthday, etc.

This next week is going to be pretty fun and I will ease you back into a routine slowly with minimum wear and tear on your parents.  Be good and I will see you soon.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

digital citizenship

March 26, 2020

Nothing much new to report today.  However, before we begin our soft opening next week it is imperative that we go over the rules of digital citizenship.  Simply put, digital citizenship consists of awareness regarding the norms and rules that govern online behavior, and a cautious approach to the inherent dangers of the internet and technology use overall.

We have had extensive lessons in our computer time about digital citizenship.  I would encourage students and parents tonight to read the following article and have another discussion about being safe on the internet and acting appropriately.  I believe such a discussion is vitally important seeing the amount of technology use required in our "distance learning" period this year.

Here is the article:


Thank you, and again, please let me know if there's anything I can assist with.  I'm even available to help search for now rare paper products and groceries.  "See" you soon!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

next step

March 25, 2020

Important information:

1.  If you do not have a device to access the internet, you may borrow a chromebook from the school.  The first thing you have to do is fill out this brief technology survey:


Chromebook pick-ups are happening tomorrow by last name starting at 8am as follows:

last name A - G 8 am
last name H - M 9 am
last name N - U 10 am
last name V - Z  11am

Only one adult is allowed to come by and sign one out.
If you already have a device, please don't borrow one.  Yours is probably better anyway...

2.  Next week you will need to check into a Google Classroom that we are all going to create.  We will each send you a code.  You are going to be virtually moving from class to class based on your schedule, just like a regular school day.  For example, if you have myself for language arts and Mrs. Cannon for math, you will visit each of our Google Classrooms at the allotted times and do the work assigned.  We will be available to help via chat.  There's even going to be P.E.!

3.  Science camp looks like it's going to be cancelled and refunds forthcoming.

4.  Next week will be an enrichment and review week as sort of a "soft start" to our distance learning.  The following week will be a real school week.  It counts, and you need to try your best, despite the fact that you're probably wearing pajamas.

Again, PLEASE contact me if you need anything.  I'm always around to help

Best regards,
Mr. Hewitt

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

so what next?

March 24, 2020

Well it looks like our daily plans have hit a snag and that the world temporarily looks like a 1980s sci-fi movie.  We are having to “home school” our kids (myself included) and ride this moment in history out. I am here to help!

First thing I need to accomplish is to make sure I am in contact with each and every one of you.
Please respond to this by saying “hello” via the email address you use the most.  My email is mhewitt@gusd.net  .  I’ll make a giant email group so that I can make sure to be in touch with everybody.

In case you were wondering, here is the schedule the district has given us:

March 23 – 27 extended spring break (how cool is that?)

March 30 – April 3   practice week: enrichment activities, review

April 6 – May 5   remote learning begins in earnest

We have some fun things planned in the future, so stay tuned!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Mar 9, 2020

Language Arts

reading test Friday


p. 567

test Friday: dividing fractions


worksheet: severe weather (Pimenta)

Note: iReady lessons (one math and one reading) are to be completed weekly.
I will be checking for this every Monday morning.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Mar 5, 2020

Language Arts

annotate p. 26 - 28

spelling / vocabulary next week

reading test Friday next week

worksheet: main ideas / key details


p. 561



Note: iReady lessons (one math and one reading) are to be completed weekly.
I will be checking for this every Monday morning.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Mar 2, 2020

Language Arts

annotate p. 22 - 24

spelling / vocabulary quiz Friday

reading test Friday (depending on schedule)

reading quiz signed

worksheet: main ideas / key details


p. 555



Note: iReady lessons (one math and one reading) are to be completed weekly.
I will be checking for this every Monday morning.