Friday, March 27, 2020

looking forward to Monday

March 27, 2020

Our extra week of break is now officially ending and I am looking forward to working with you all next week.  As you may remember, next week is for enrichment and review, meaning we are starting to slowly ramp up to the restart of our lessons the week of April 6.

At 51 years old, I'm not the most tech person out there so please be gentle and patient if we run into errors or problems.  Next week is a soft start so that we can work through those things together. Please feel free to communicate with me at any time.  I'm committed to providing the highest level of education possible under these difficult circumstances.

Here's what I need you to do prior to Monday:

1. Please read and review the blog post I did yesterday on digital citizenship if you have not.

2. Log in to your school account and make sure it works properly on your device.

3. Make sure you can get into once you've signed in to your Google account.

4. Sign into the Google Classrooms of the teachers you visit each day.  Here are the codes:

    Hewitt:   afatf6u

    Pimenta:   zqx6yqc

    Cannon:   pwt7m3i

5.  Sign up for a free Brainpop account at

6.  Start reading! (although I'm positive you all are...) 30 minutes per day minimum including weekends, holidays, your grandmother's birthday, etc.

This next week is going to be pretty fun and I will ease you back into a routine slowly with minimum wear and tear on your parents.  Be good and I will see you soon.

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