Tuesday, June 9, 2020

promotion pictures

Hello 5th grade families,

Thank you so much for coming to our promotion parade today.  It was wonderful to see all of our 5th graders and celebrate their achievements.  A special thanks to all the awesome teachers who came out to cheer on our 5th graders.  You made the day extra special.

Here is the link from the photographer.  Enjoy the photos!

Thanks to our 5th Grade Parent Committee for the photographer, goodie bags, beautiful signs and decorations and the balloons.  Everything looked GREAT!

Congratulations to our graduates. Your teachers look forward to seeing you tomorrow via Zoom.

Class of 2020 - You were awesome!
Ms. Tonoli

important quick survey

Good Afternoon Keppel Families,
Attached you will find a link to a Title I Needs Assessment Survey.  There are 14 questions for you to answer about our school and how you think we are doing.  Please choose Keppel and then answer each question.  The information you provide will help us plan for next year.  Please take a few minutes to respond.  The link will be open until the end of the week.
Thank you,
Mrs. Aroyan