Tuesday, June 9, 2020

promotion pictures

Hello 5th grade families,

Thank you so much for coming to our promotion parade today.  It was wonderful to see all of our 5th graders and celebrate their achievements.  A special thanks to all the awesome teachers who came out to cheer on our 5th graders.  You made the day extra special.

Here is the link from the photographer.  Enjoy the photos!

Thanks to our 5th Grade Parent Committee for the photographer, goodie bags, beautiful signs and decorations and the balloons.  Everything looked GREAT!

Congratulations to our graduates. Your teachers look forward to seeing you tomorrow via Zoom.

Class of 2020 - You were awesome!
Ms. Tonoli

important quick survey

Good Afternoon Keppel Families,
Attached you will find a link to a Title I Needs Assessment Survey.  There are 14 questions for you to answer about our school and how you think we are doing.  Please choose Keppel and then answer each question.  The information you provide will help us plan for next year.  Please take a few minutes to respond.  The link will be open until the end of the week.
Thank you,
Mrs. Aroyan

Sunday, May 31, 2020

info for June

Here are some bits and pieces that I have tried to collate:

Friday, June 5th is student materials pick up day.  We have strict guidelines that we are asking parents to follow when coming to school.  Do not come if you are not well.  One person per family.  No children.  Wear masks and maintain social distancing.  Times are staggered by last name as follows:
If your LAST name starts with…

A-D   -  9:00 AM
E-H  -  10:00 AM
I-L -   11:00 AM
M-O -  12:00 PM
P-S -   1:00 PM
T-Z  -  2:00 PM

Also, 5th grade families - mark your calendars for Tuesday, June 9th from 8 - 1:00 depending on class. 

8:00 am - Mrs. Pimenta's Class
9:00 am - Mrs. Cannon's Class
10:00 am - Mr. Hewitt's Class
11:00 am - Mr. Shelton's Class
12:00 pm - Miss Pak/Ms. Shin's Class

Report cards will be mailed home from the District on the last day of school.


Hello 5th Grade Teachers, 

In celebration of Keppel's upcoming promotion, Christine Hughes made a couple of signs that families can use for photos. I thought that these signs could be printed and then the kids can take pictures with them. Perhaps they could also be used to decorate cars for the promotion parade. Parents can download and choose whatever .pdf they'd like to print; students can use the .jpegs as a background in their zoom meetings.  This is all optional - just something fun to make these last few weeks a bit more special.

Inside this folder you will find:
8.5 x 11" signs 
11 x 17" signs
There is a white version and a blue version to choose from.

Could you please post the google drive link on your blogs and let parents/students know that they are available? Thank you!

Let me know if you have any questions!

-Lindsay Cravens

**FYI, Minuteman Press on Central makes 11x17" prints for $1.50 + tax**

and lastly:

Dear Parent/Guardian of 5th grade students,
Your child is growing at a rapid rate and it might often seem difficult to speak with them about adolescent development.  Attached is a link that will offer you useful tips and information to help guide your child through puberty https://www.pgschoolprograms.com/Parents  . This link includes a video and materials with accurate information on the physical changes during adolescence, personal hygiene, exercise, and nutrition. 
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at:  smirmojarabian@gusd.net
Thank you for all you do

Nina Sadat Mirmojarabian
School Nurse

The above program is pretty good if you want to approach your child about puberty.  It plays like an infomercial and it's a great intro to that awkward conversation.  Although you might like to wait for this insane world to calm down a little bit....

As always, PLEASE let me know if you have comments, questions, requests, or just want to talk

Friday, May 22, 2020

Instructions for Tile Project

Class of 2020!!
Glazing instructions

We are doing things differently in this different time.  We will have a special place to showcase your tiles for this reason.  

Because we can’t do this project in the Art Studio with lots of choices in glaze colors, we have decided to go with three colors.  We also decided to have you either paint your name or initials, the year 2020, and a border around the tile- leaving the background white.

Helpful hints and reminders:

  • practice first on paper (just trace around the tile on scratch paper)
  • two coats of glaze for bold colors
  • don’t overlap / mix colors
  • if you make an “oops”, all paint can be washed off and dried
  • Q-tips are great for small clean ups on the tile
  • toothpicks are helpful to scrap off dried glaze to make edges “cleaner”
  • tile and border can be one, two, or three colors - your choice

Have fun you Cuties!  Please come back to Keppel and say “Hi!”  Miss your faces!!

-Mrs. Zierhut

Monday, May 11, 2020

Week 6? Day? I'm lost

Hello - I hope everyone had a well deserved and feted Mother's Day yesterday with plenty of love, attention, and excellent food.

UPDATED grading policy here, PLEASE READ:


I think I posted the old one by mistake last time, this is brand new...

Small virtual housekeeping items :

 I try not to overload students with long Zoom meetings, but I do have a couple of small requests:

1.   Sign in 2-3 minutes early and wait politely.  For example, if a meeting is at 10:30, sign it at 10:25. I tend to adhere to the "if you're early, you're on time" mantra and like to start instruction immediately, not to waste people's time or bandwidth.

2.   Have video on.  Too many kids turn it off and "disappear" playing video games and generally tuning out.  I wouldn't accept that in physical class, and I can't accept it now.

3.   No virtual backgrounds should be on.  You can imagine how distracting and annoying that is.

4.  I GREATLY appreciate how helpful students have been on Google Classroom helping others, although silly spam type things should continue to be avoided.

5.  The overall online behavior on comments and Zoom has been SO impressive.  You guys are fantastic.

Lastly, I deeply am touched by the overwhelming kindness and generosity shown to me during socially distant Teacher Appreciation Week.  I thank you again from the bottom of my heart.  I think when this has all ended I will look back in future years and remember just how kind you and your wonderful children have been.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Week 4 / Grading Policy

I am glad to say that I feel we are up and running as well as we possibly can under the circumstances, and that most families have a rhythm to their school day with a minimum of interruption or absence.  The majority of tech problems and logistical nuances appear to have been solved for the most part.  Please reach out if you are struggling with organization or have a schedule that doesn't work and I will do my best to help, even for the smallest of problems.

Here is the grading policy that the district has implemented for the rest of the year.  Please read it, and let me know if you have any questions:

Thanks again - you have all been so loving and supportive

Mr. Hewitt