Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 2

March 31, 2020

Today was LOADS better, and I have high hopes that we can all have a strong learning experience moving forward.  I hope you are all settling into a little bit of a routine, so that when we start actual lessons next week they will be that much more effective.  If we see working with our children as an opportunity instead of an obstacle,  I guarantee that a life-long love of learning will be instilled in them that is much more powerful than a by-the-numbers rote education.  Statistics show that children who  learn and read during off times (such as the summer) score much higher and do better in school than their peers who don't.  This is a fantastic time to bond with our kids, quell their anxieties, and move forward ourselves.

Alright, sermon over...

I'm doing another 9am Zoom meeting tomorrow just to check in, and then off we go.

Next week is new material.  Glendale Unified is waiting to hear from the Los Angeles County Office of Education on how we are to grade going forward.  I will keep you up to date on any new developments as they occur.  We are all in this together, so don't worry.

Don't forget to follow Mark Keppel VAPA on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  And as always, I am here to talk or help over even the smallest things.  We're doing great as a team.

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