Thursday, April 19, 2018

Math test

Note to math parents:

On April 18, our class took a math test for Ch. 10 involving volume.  The previous night I had a shock death in my family, so I applied for a sub that day who administered the test.   Upon arriving in class this morning, I have discovered that the sub helped students with the test, even to the extent of providing answers and specific help.

I have made the decision that I believe the test to be invalid.  I am not going to count the test at all in your child's final math grade.  I strongly feel that the students have all mastered the topic to varying degrees.  I have no satisfactory alternate test available to equal the rigor of the original exam, so I am going to progress to the next topic (conversion of measurement) quickly as the CAASSP testing will be beginning next week.

If you have any concerns, questions, or comments, feel free to contact me at

Best regards,

Mr. Hewitt

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