Monday, October 9, 2017

October 9, 2017

Lang Arts

Assignment Info:

Write a family story told to you by your parents or grandparents.
minimum 1 page, double spaced
font: Times New Roman, size 12
hard due date: October 13


workbook pages 67 - 71
spelling / vocabulary test Friday


p. 117 - 118 odd problems


test signed and returned (Hewitt's class only)

Special offer! - If you received a "1", you may return the test tomorrow October 10 with the correct answers,  signed by a parent and I will raise your score to a "2".

DON'T FORGET - Mc Teacher's Night on Wednesday night.  This is a HUGE fundraiser with 20 percent of Mc Donald's profit that night going to Mark Keppel's 5th grade.  Meet us at the Mc Donald's on Central from 5 to 8 pm.  See you there!!!

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