Thursday, August 17, 2017

August 17, 2017

Day # 2 - done and dusted!

We have had a nice couple of days brushing up on procedures and introducing the 5th grade curriculum.

No homework as of yet, although assignments will slowly start to trickle in.  Nothing major

I do need the state lunch program form filled out physically (you can just mark a check for "no" if you'd like in the top right hand corner) or online.  These forms determine our eligibility for Title I funding and we need to know our demographics.

Today's parent assignment is to fill out the white information card, which does need to be physically filled out so that our office has a hard copy.

I don't send out Thursday folders on Thursdays for a signature.  The folder can be daily used to send home flyers and corrected assignments.

Thank you all so much for the early support! Please know that if you need anything or have any questions or concerns that my door is open any time, and you may call or email (

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