More work on division division and division. This time we are concentrating on dividing with the dividend having a decimal point. Most students understood the dividing part, but had trouble on what to do with the remaining decimal. Traditionally, teachers have their students round their answers to the hundredth, meaning they had to get an answer in the thousandth (if applicable) and then round. Make sure your student knows how to do this. If it's a problem, let me know. I'm here to help!!
Language Arts
Work is continuing on revising writing drafts. Most ABC books will be returned by Thursday, which should give you an idea as to how well your student is currently writing. I gave pointers to students who didn't quite earn a "4". The ABC books also have a technology component grade, as that is a category on the new and improved report cards you'll be seeing in a couple of weeks.
Red Ribbon Week
We decorated our door, and will have an assembly on Friday. Students may wear red on Friday.
Did you know next Thursday night is a music performance for 5th grade?
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