Language Arts
worksheet 98 / 102
worksheet 99 / 100
vocabulary boxes
grammar w/s: nouns
spelling test signed due tomorrow
reading log signed due Friday
spelling / vocabulary test Friday
p. 423
Hello 5th grade parents!
Hopefully most of you received the flier that went home yesterday regarding 5th grade camp.
Pali Institute is hosting a parent webinar on Wednesday, January 24th at 6pm. This is a great opportunity to get more information about camp and get your questions answered by Pali directly. We encourage all parents to log in - you can even submit specific questions beforehand to be answered during the web presentation. Even if you can't participate, there will be a video available after. The Pali Institute website also has lots of great information. Here is the link:
We know both students and parents have lots of questions about camp! In addition to the webinar, please feel free to reach out to 5th grade committee members or your teachers if you have any questions or concerns. It is a wonderful opportunity, and we want all students to be able to participate!
The second donation of $100 is now due. Please return checks (PAYABLE TO MKS) or cash to your teacher or to the front office. If you have not yet signed up, it is not too late, but we do need to know by the end of January if you plan to attend.
Finally, there is a 5th grade committee meeting on Wednesday, 1/24 from 6:30-7:30pm (same day as the webinar). There are still lots of opportunities to get involved, and all parents are welcome. It will be held in the multi-lab, room 1134. The side gate on Virginia will be open beginning at 6:20pm that evening.
--Your 5th grade committee
Anahit Dovlatian & Carla Nardoni, Co-Chairs
Lisa Lessa & Jenn Ferrari, Camp Co-Chairs
Annette Grigoryan
Michelle Vega
Iris Zuniga
May Ross